I was cleaning my room the other day and heard this grinding sound of sandpaper against a hard surface. "What the hell is that!?" I thought as I looked around. Then I saw it. My cat, Simon making out with the overhanging lip of the plastic drawer I use to store my office supplies in.
As I watched, I noticed him rub his head along the edge, lick under the lip, smell the aroma and repeat the process over again and again and... again. I laughed as I remembered him doing this with a lamp some time ago. He did it for so long then that I had time to find my camera and take a series of pictures.
This time, I wanted to do some research instead of taking pictures. I crawled over on my hands and knees next to him. He didn't even seem to notice me as he continued in the bliss of the make-out session. I was able to get my face right next to his to see if I could see or smell something that would clue me in.
Sure enough, the overhanging lip of the drawer was capturing the smell of his breath and magnifying it. The shape of the lamp from before must've been doing the same thing. So I guess he would lick the area, smell it, then mark it with his approval by rubbing his face on it. Just a hypothesis, but whatever he was doing, it was a total sensory experience that he was really getting into! It seemed addictive.
With all my experience with cats, I know that they're really conscious of their hygiene and marking their territory. Although, I've never seen anything quite like what Simon does, its a pretty funny site to see a cat make out with plastic.
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