Some people say he's so great because he's a man that has everything... an amazing golf career, wife, two kids, and he finds time to give to charity. Maybe its his exotic look with his big beautiful eyes and bulging biceps? All else aside, I think the thing about Tiger is that he is so frickin' good and is able to take the game seriously without taking himself too seriously. But, what makes him so good? Put simply, its his philosophy.
When he goes up to the tee, his concentration is phenomenal. Who knows how he focuses so well. Not that he's not nervous. After all, even he said,
"When you get nervous, it just means that you care."
Such an ability to recognize what a feeling means and to put it so simply not only helps himself and the golf industry, but also empowers millions of regular people like you and me to look at life a little differently.
To look at a challenge and realize that that sickening feeling in the pit of your stomach is simply a spark of compassion inside of you to face it and do your best can transform the thought process to overcome and be a champion. Of course that's only one of his quotes. Here are some others that conjure inspiration:
"I smile at obstacles."
"My will will move mountains"
"I get to play golf for a living. What more can you ask for? Getting paid to do what you love."
"It will always be the ball and me"
"You can always become better"
You know of all people that I love to watch Tiger play. I actually cry when I watch him play, just at the sheer awe that I feel from the amazing talents that he displays on every shot. Now, I am a little sad that he lost his 2nd round match with Tim Clark, but Tim played more consistent though the round and Tiger was lacking just a pussies hair in that department. I would agree that I am enlightened and totally jacked up every time he plays. I believe that Tigers attraction is due to the fact that he is doing exactly what he wants to do, with the understanding that he has the opportunity to be the best golfer, in the history of golf, and the future for that matter. I love to watch him play, I know I actually love him when he plays...Cam