This might very well be something you can relate to on many levels... So many times, when I want to create something, I'm held back by that voice in my head that says,
"Don't bother. Its not going to be good enough. A thousand other people must be having the same idea. Its already been done. You're wasting your time."
Sound familiar?
In the end, most of the time, that voice wins. Is that voice really me talking? It certainly doesn't feel like it. It feels like some crazy old demon that sits on my shoulder, gobbling up any good energy I might have for ideas, taking it for himself and thriving on it. Using my ideas as sustenance for himself to get stronger and his voice to get louder.
So how do I fight it? Am I really the one in charge? When I write a story, take a picture, or cook a meal, can I really be the one to take credit for the outcome? Is it really me that creates anything? Or is it another entity working through me? If I can step back and see all the elements at play, I can start to see the control board with the switches all through the body of my mind. Among the switches are the volume control for the demon voice and the play button for the ideas ready to surge through.
This way of being seems to really take the fear out of going ahead with an idea. A great tool for anyone aspiring to make a living through creating. I first heard about this concept by listening to the author Elizabeth Gilbert who wrote "Eat, Love, Pray." Her talk makes a lot of sense and gets the enthusiasm going to go ahead a create something... anything! Check it out!
My Successful VBAC Home Birth
I woke up around 5 am on August 29th, feeling kind of strange. I went to
the bathroom to take a pee. I stood up and seemed keep going a little. I